Saturday 4 May 2013

Thinking about Glory

The talks at first year weekend away were on the topic of glory.  Rather than simply report on what was talked about, I’ll reflect on the things that struck me and my responses. 

Glory is a tricky word to try and pin down.  What does God’s glory look like?  What does it mean?  Before these talks I might have said something vague about God’s greatness and how I would be awestruck to see his glory.  There would also be this vague idea of shining or glowing…

Here’s the definition from the talks:
Glory is:1. weight or heaviness
2. significance or importance
3. splendour or magnificence
4. honour, character or reputation
I was challenged to think about what God weighs to me.  How much weight does he have in my life?  Does he weigh more than me?  I’m not sure that I know the answers to those questions.  Sometimes it feels like a constant battle between my sinful selfishness, the desire to do whatever I want, and the Holy Spirit in me, calling me to holiness and service to God.  I want God to weigh more than me. 

We thought about the glory of Gospel Ministry and I was challenged to think about how integrity trumps impressiveness in ministry.  Gospel ministry isn’t about being eloquent or seeing lots of success (whatever that looks like), but about humility and faithfulness.  I am tempted to be a background person anyway, but this encouraged me to focus on faithfulness rather than success. 

In the final talk I was challenged to think about how I can be reflecting God’s glory.  We are like mirrors, or an even better analogy is the moon.  We have no light of our own, and can only reflect the sun’s light.  We reflect and return God’s glory by showing love and being faithful. 

What are your thoughts on glory?  How do you reflect God’s glory?

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